I watched the movie Obama's War and it showed the difficult times in Afganistan. Soldiers are at risk even just walking through fields because of mines and all kinds of explosives. The citizens lives are threatened by the enemy ( the Taliban ) and tell them not to shop at some markets. Some citizens there produce drugs for a living and are afraid that American soldiers are going to punish them for it. American troops are over there to protect the citizens and have some the areas normal again as before. Soldiers have to be aware of any sneaky looking people--such as people running away from them or hiding material.
American troops can get ambushed at any time and randomly have shootouts with the enemy from tree lines very far away. The soldiers basically don't have anything to sleep on and have to be aware at all times. American troops are very brave for fighting for our country and are at risk every minute over in Afganistan.
Afganistan's president in the running is trying to stop inconstant governments or governments people don't trust.
If I had to make a follow up film it would be about the enemy's experience during war. This
will be to see if the soldiers on the other side of the war feel the same as us about
it. I would also like to hear what the American soldiers personally think about the war and how
it has changed them back at home.
By: Brian Morgan ' 12