Interactive Journalism Project II
Dear Students,
Now that you have completed your autobiography projects you will now start your new project.
You will now make your own news report. This will be your final project for the class.
Before you make your own news report, you will first make a news report with a partner in order to learn more about the process of producing your own interactive journalism piece.
Journalist report on current events local, state, and world. For this project you will cover a world event (and then later a local event).
The topic of the news report will be the current situation in Gaza.
Here are the partners:
Dina & Anthony S.
Dan & Nicole
Camila & Keith
Harrison & Nathan
Anthony A. will be working alone and eventually helping the groups with Final Cut Questions
Here are the first steps to making the news report with your partner (to be done today in library)
1) Gather information about the current situation and write a summary. Here are links to sites to gather more research:
CNN World News and Video
NY Times Interactive Media: Israel, the Gaza Strip, and Hamas
Israeli Shells Kill 40 at Gaza U.N. School
Gaza crisis: key maps and timeline
Who are Hamas?
Palestinian rivals: Fatah & Hamas
You can focus on several different aspects. For example:
Why is Israeli attacking Gaza in the first place?
Discuss the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
What are the similarities/differences between Hamas and Fatah?
Please start the first draft of your research/script in your blog. This is part of your grade for this next assignment. Please look over grammar and DO NOT PLAGIARISE. If you plagiarise you will get an F. Write the script in your own words and site where you got the information. Ask Ms.Westgate if you need help along the way.
Each partner should gather research/scripting to be posted your blogs. I will be checking your blogs to make sure you did the first part of the assignment.
Due on Monday.
I look forward to seeing your work! Have great weekend! Ms. V
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