I was reading an ARTICLE about how a school called Francis Lewis High in Queens New York has over twice the amount of students as it was built for which is 2,400 student. Having twice the amount causes the school to have the first lunch around 9 Am, and last lunch ends at 2:46 Pm. Also the some of the students start school at 7 Am and some don't leave until 12 hours later.
The gym classes are held outside unless it snows, rains, or if it is below 34 degrees. Still for some reason this High School is still one of the most popular High Schools in New York city with about 13,000 applications a year. One reason why it is so packed is because it is one of the best schools in the city having a graduation rate of 81%, and also most high schools in Manhattan are open to just city kids, Francis Lewis High is open to kids on a certain geographic area.
Think they should build another high school in the area that is the same size.