When is the Department of Veterans Affairs going to help the ones who they're supposed to be helping. With the Montgomery G.I Bill available for every veteran, it's hard to not expect that they are going to use it. The bill covers most, or usually all educational expenses for vets if they decide to go to college.
For months, VA has been pushing the bill so that everyone takes advantage of it. Not the the applications are flooding in and guess what? The people are not getting their money. Thousands of veterans have had to dig into their life savings to cover school costs since their colleges and universities never got tuition payments that were supposed to be made by September 1 by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Thousands have been forced to take out loans and are now in debt. Many have even had to drop out of school because VA is saying that most applicants will not be getting their money until November.
The reason why veterans enrolled in school this year was because the VA was urging them to, assuring them that everyone would get their money by September 1 and that they would not have to worry about a thing. Obviously that was a big lie and now veterans are in a horrible financial situation that they never expected.
The men and women that honorably served our country need to be honorably served by the ones appointed to help them in their post military lives.
I think that congress should have put more money into this program so the deadline could be met.