This 2001 frontline video is about how marketing business' go after teenagers to sell more products. These companies try to make their product more cool by asking kids about what's in and what's out.
Later door by door to visit kids also to find out what they like. This video also talks about how companies that sell to teens hire Mooks to get more viewers, like Viacom hiring Tom Green, and Howard Stern. The other type of Mook is the Mildriff which is a Mook but a girl. The Mildriff consists of girls that try to look good even if it means minimal clothes. Although it is not getting in trouble like Mooks instead they dress slutty.
In the next part they talk about how the Mildriffs get hired to play popular teen shows like Jessica Biel on 7th heaven. Also in this part they talked about how certain television shows conflict to more of a teen level by talking about sex. Thsi part also talks about how MTV went sexy by shaking there butts in bikinis on spring break, and people making out and having sex on the real world.
Later the video takes place in Detroit for a popular concert of rap rock mix band Insane Clown Posse or ICP, which attracted teens because it lets them be them selves, like Limp Biscuit.
I like this video because I can somewhat relate to it, like I like to watch, listen, and do whatever seems cool like the teens in this video.
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