I'm drawn into this image because it shows what people in western parts do and wear in the sun and what Middle-Easterners wear. It shows how old fashion the left side is compared to the picture at the right side. At the right side people are dancing, some have no shirts on, and pretty much partying. I also notice women in the right side. But on the left side, people are sitting down, with all cloth on, under the sun, shows how frustrated they are. Theirs also no women, only men. The left side is staring at the right side curiously and look as if they're giving attention, it shows that they are willing to change to modern society.
Thank you for your observation Masaud. I wished I could bring those group together in reality, but I know it would be impossible. At least by doing it artistically in my work, I can dream of a day where the world would be open to try or accept new things and different cultures.