My personal favorite piece of art by Naveed Nour is two pictures meshed together to compare past and present. The image depicts kids playing soccer, half in black and white depicting years past, and half in color to represent the current day. This is one of my favorites because soccer is such an old pastime that kids/ people stile play and the comparison was almost like the past passing to the future. Another reason I like this one is because I feel like his images of sports are some of the few pieces I can relate to. If i have traveled more, or had any lifestyle connections to his artwork maybe I would
appreciate his work more.
Thanks for your comment Bizziboi. I am glad that you could connect with one of the pieces. This is what the whole world is about. There are so many things and people in world and it is enough to connect with one of them, which could then create an entire new path in front of our feet. Best of luck.