Tobacco Attack - Holyoke High School from The 84 on Vimeo.I like this one because it has some humor in it and it shows what smoking does to you,your always going to be coughing.It's also good because they looked really lazy and thats what smokers are,lazy
The next video also is from students in Holyoke High school, A side Never Seen
The reason I like it is because they did a really good job and it seems real other than the ciggarette pack talking.But it shows people are going to try and convince you to smoke, you just got to stay strong and say NO!
The next video was funny. Students from Masconomet high school did this one called Somebody is watching me
The reason why i liked this one is because you dont' know who could be watching you when you are smoking or doing anything bad. And i also found it hilarouse because it compares to the geico commercials and i love the geico commercials
My least favorite video was by students from Lexington High school, it is called Forgotten Belongings
I did not like this one at all because it has nothing to do with smoking.The forgotten belongings has nothing to do with anti-smoking,i did not understand this video at all
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