As this year comes to an end I am reflecting back on my work and experiences that I have had this year. One article in particular that I feel has influenced my life is the blog I wrote about the water emergency in Watertown, Mass. I feel that this most influenced my life because I first learned about this emergency when I was working at Shaws. At this time many people came into the store to buy gallons and cases of water that bucked up 12 registers. Not only did i experiences this emergency but I feel that it also taught me something. This emergency made me realize that most people in the world take the littlest things for granted, as for water no one thought we would ever not be able to drink from our home faucets. It showed me that the little things in life are really valuable and that we should not take anything for granted because we never know what could happen.
Besides reading and writing blogs this year I also learned many different things, some that were hard to do and some that were easy. In this class I feel that I had many different strengths and weaknesses. One of my strengths I feel was being able to learn and understand the different ways to use the program final cut. Understanding and using final cut was a good strength to have when I was editing projects because it made it helpful to do different effects. One of my weaknesses in this class I feel was being able to be creative when making videos. It took me awhile to be able to be open and try different things while editing, at first it was hard for me to use my imagination, but after practicing and making different videos I was able to use my imagination and be creative when making my final project. I wish we learned more about how other movies and productions are made and the effects they used to make them. If I could include one thing to learn this year is to look at all different types of movies and learn how they were made.
First made video

For my final project I decide to do a video based on my life. At first I wanted to do a music video but then I wanted to do an autobiography. Making this video I had to watch a bunch of different home videos and watching this reminded me of my childhood which was great to remember. From making this video I did grow a little bit in my skill. I learned different ways to edit my slides to make it look cleaner. I also learned how to transfer videos from a VHS to a DVD which was pretty cool to learn because this way now I can view things easier. If I was going to take this class again I would like trying to do a music video. I wouldn't want to pretend to sing in my video I would want to get different clips and pictures to represent what the song meant to me and I think that would be a cool think to do.

For my final project I decide to do a video based on my life. At first I wanted to do a music video but then I wanted to do an autobiography. Making this video I had to watch a bunch of different home videos and watching this reminded me of my childhood which was great to remember. From making this video I did grow a little bit in my skill. I learned different ways to edit my slides to make it look cleaner. I also learned how to transfer videos from a VHS to a DVD which was pretty cool to learn because this way now I can view things easier. If I was going to take this class again I would like trying to do a music video. I wouldn't want to pretend to sing in my video I would want to get different clips and pictures to represent what the song meant to me and I think that would be a cool think to do.
Final Video
What I will take from what I learned in this video is being able to express myself, I think this will be a useful thing to have as I go on in life because this way I can show people who I am and what I want to do. I also think this will be useful because since I want to be a doctor I think being able to be comfortable with what I have to say to say to other people I might not know. Through out this year I faced different challenges but were able to fight through them all.
Lastly, one thing I liked about Ms.V teaching style was that she kept up to date with the news going around this world and made sure that we knew it to. I also liked that we had to do blogs based on things we learned so we kept other people informed to. If I were to teach this class I would also like to keep kids updated on the news but I will also like to inform them on stuff they like and let them pick anything in the world to talk about. Ms.V also showed us other cool blogs with stuff that kids would be interested in which I though was cool. But if I were the teacher I would have kids talk about their favorite movie and put together what they learned and how the movie showed what they learned. Other then that I had a fun time in this class learning different things and knowing about what going on in the world.
Lastly, one thing I liked about Ms.V teaching style was that she kept up to date with the news going around this world and made sure that we knew it to. I also liked that we had to do blogs based on things we learned so we kept other people informed to. If I were to teach this class I would also like to keep kids updated on the news but I will also like to inform them on stuff they like and let them pick anything in the world to talk about. Ms.V also showed us other cool blogs with stuff that kids would be interested in which I though was cool. But if I were the teacher I would have kids talk about their favorite movie and put together what they learned and how the movie showed what they learned. Other then that I had a fun time in this class learning different things and knowing about what going on in the world.

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