The content of the movie was not very surprising but quite eye opening. The speed and quality of the new media is very amazing. The part of the video that I remember most is the mention of the book the dumbest generation. I thought about that a long time and although at first I found it offensive, i realize that the statement if not true is very relevant to todays children. I defenitaly do not agree that we are the dumbest generation, I just think we are smarter in different ways. Back in the day laptops, t.vs, even cell phones didn't exist, so those people didn't need to learn how to use them. Now in todays world you cant even get by in school or work without how to look up something on the Internet or how to write a paper on Microsoft word. So those are the basic skills that need to be taught in schools. Previously in school those were not skills that were even dreamed about. So no I do not think we are the dumbest generation, although maybe we are the least creative. I believe we may be the least creative because when there used to be no t.v or video games the kids had to make up to play with there friends. Now, the contents of a play date are watching t.v and playing video games.
I always was not very surprised about the mention of multi-media usage because I myself multitask with media quite a bit. You can text well watching t.v so easily know it is almost like a way of life for teens. I was also not surprised about how you preform poorer while media
Overall i thought the movie was good and very noticeable around teen life.
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