Friday, November 12, 2010

F.D.A. Unveils Proposed Graphic Warning Labels for Cigarette Packs

Federal drug regulators unveiled 36 warning labels for cigarrette packages. The labels are designed to cover half the surface area of a cigarrette package. The labels are intended to get the smokers attention and get them to quit smoking by providing graphic reminders of tobacco's dangers. These labels are now required under a law passed last year under the Food and Drug addministration the power to regulate but not ban tobacco or drug products. Public hope officials have high hopes that the new ciggarrette packages have an effect for addictive smokers, and have the power to get them to quit. From my point of view I think its a great idea to do because it gets the addictive smokers thinking everytime they buy pack of cigarrettes.

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  1. I personal don't care what they do with this labeling issue, people are still gonna do it so it's whatever to me!

  2. I think there should be graphic labels on cigarette packages because it will remind these smokers what smoking can do to them when they decide to smoke.

  3. Smokers don't need to see graphic pictures every-time they smoke a cigarette. Almost every smoker already knows the danger of smoking. There is already a warning label on a pack of cigarettes, which is enough for people to make their choice.

  4. I think that although these labels are very extreme, they could make a difference in the lives of smokers. If someone were to see a picture of someone who died of smoking each time they took a cigarette out of the pack, they would be forced to think more about the effects each time they smoked. It could guilt many people into quitting.

  5. I think it is a good idea to try to stop smokers, I just don't know if this is the best way. Smoking is obviously very bad and needs to be stopped, but I feel like this video is implying that every time a smoker picks up the package they have the choice to smoke it or not to smoke it. And of course they can just put it down but they are addicted so I don't believe that just the picture is going to change that.

  6. I vote YAY, I feel they should do this because I think smokers don't think of the harm they are causing while they are smoking. Smokers more accept it as a lifestyle and I feel this will remind them of the danger.

  7. I think it's a good idea because smoking cigarettes is very dangerous and can kill you. It's a good way to remind smokers when they buy a pack of cigarettes that it can kill you and do damage to your body. Maybe this is the incentive smokers need to help them stop smoking.

  8. I don't think that the government should make a law with these graphic pictures because it may get the attention of some smokers, but many people, or kids, who start smoking may sometimes have a reason for it. Sometimes people may start for the reason of depression or to just get your mind off of something, and these graphic pictures may send the bad idea to them, which i personally think will make it worse for them.
