I thought the article and video from the New York Times was very accurate in the way teenagers use media and how it effects their grades. Some of the kids are using media to work on other things besides school work like editing videos like Vishal Singh. Some use media to play videogames and slack off, but they cannot help it as they are addicted to it, like some other people are to their phones. This video relates to my life because I can get distracted at times and not focus on school work when I have my iPod, Laptop, or phone next to me.
My media usage is basically my phone, laptop, and TV. I do not play as much videogames as I once did because I just lost interest in playing videogames, but I will play it from time to time. I don't text as much as other kids because I don't have unlimited texting but I still use my phone a decent amount of the time. When I'm at home just relaxing, I'll be on my couch watching TV and surfing the internet at the same time, so that takes up a lot of my media usage.
When I am doing homework, it is very hard for me to concentrate strictly on my homework because after using a lot of my time using media, it's hard to stop. Whether it's listening to music while doing homework or watching YouTube videos or even going on Facebook when I have an assignment, it's pretty hard for me to strictly concentrate on homework, although I am getting better at it. My life and I'm sure other people's lives are based on instant gratification and things like the internet, games, and music help us achieve it, and just doing homework is pretty boring. My homework habbits compare very much to Vishal Singh because instead of doing his work, he's on YouTube or making videos.
This article was very accurate and helps people understand what a teenager is thinking while doing homework or anything else that is non-media related. To read the article Click Here and for the video from the New York Times Click Here.
Good +
ReplyDeleteNice work Evan, you have some minor grammatical glitches, but overall the response was well done.
You brought up a great point regarding homework and instant gratification:
"My life and I'm sure other people's lives are based on instant gratification and things like the internet, games, and music help us achieve it, and just doing homework is pretty boring."
It's very insightful and important that you have recognized this aspect of your media usage. Further research in their area is paramount for understanding new media (mobile media, internet, etc) and the way it affects brain development.
I also think it is important that you are starting to be aware of this dynamic.
Awareness is the first step towards change and there are definitely actions you can take in order to focus your attention such as
1) Turning off your cell phone
2) Meditation
3) Media "rewards" after you complete an assignment
Nice work Evan-- but next time get it in on time!
-Ms. V