This was a very gripping and powerful movie. Throughout the whole movie you couldn't take your eyes off what was going on and were on the edge of your seat. It is a sad fact that people need money so badly there there is no place to turn and they choose to be mules. I got the sense that Maria didn't really believe this was a smart thing to do, but she had no other choices. Muling is a very dangerous and sometimes fatal job. I obviously do not think it is right in the slightest way but i do understand that Maria felt she had no other choice. The drug dealers that picked her and her friends were awful and they treated them terribly. When they figured out that one of the pellets had broken inside of Lucy they cut her open just to take out the pellets. Blanca and Maria sensed the danger and were able to escape in time and went to find Lucy's sister. She let them stay even though she seemed hesitant. You could sense that Maria was scared and regretted her decision throughout the movie.
I think that Maria made that wrong decision to become a mule. Especially for the fact that she was pregnant and that could be fatal for the baby. The thing that stood out for me was that the security at the airport caught one of the mules and Maria would have been caught if she wasn't pregnant. That is a strong indication that they are more aware of the mules and starting to really in-force the law and try to make sure that mules can't come in.
When I looked up drug trafficking the most results I saw were news stories. That is alarming because it shows that a lot of drug trafficking is happening and we are not keeping it under control. Drug trafficking happens the most in Mexico and Columbia. That might be because statistically those are the some of the poorest countries. I think that jobs are hard to find and if you have a job, the jobs have bad conditions and low wages. The way that drug trafficking works is that people come to different countries with drugs in their stomachs and deliver it to drug dealers. The drugs come in packs about the size of a large grape and the mules have to swallow them and then poop them out. The bigger you are the more pellets you will have to swallow. Sometimes men have to swallow up to 100! The efficiency of drug trafficking is pretty high because security can not tell you have drugs in your stomach without an x-ray.
It is scary to think that drugs are getting smuggled in and out of this country. It puts people at great risk and I think it is an issue that needs to be dealt with.
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