2010 Grand Prize Winner "I've Got the Power"
(Middle School)
I think that she won the grand Prize for her video, because she went into great detail about her topic. She added interviews, many were from people she found on the street and government officials. She included very detailed information, on not just the problem, but whats behind it also.
2010 First Prize Winner "Childhood Obesity"
(Middle School)
I think that this person may have won the first prize for their video because they included a lot of information about what was the difference of today and one hundred years ago. He interviewed job professionals and used a lot of shots of different places that were relevant to the topic.
2010 First Prize Winner "The American Melting Point"
(High School)
This person probably won the first prize for her video, was because she interviewed a lot of students, as well as teachers.
She used a lot of footage of others and not just herself speaking. She gave a lot of information about this topic, and went into great detail about it.
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