What I read in the story applies to my life completely. It is actually pretty amazing to find out how most of what is written in the article, happens every day with me. Sometimes when I am doing homework and my computer is on, I usually catch myself going on Facebook and Youtube most of the time. I always think to my self that I will just go on for a second, to check my notifications, or look up one video, but its only after a couple of hours that I finally figure out how much time I had actually spent looking at the screen, hoping to go on for just "a second."
I've been hearing about this since elementary school, all those teachers and parents saying "Don't stay on the computer too much!" or "TV is bad for your eyes!" but I have never really understood that until now. During my earlier school days, almost like any 7 or 10 year old, you would usually see me either outside on the playground or reading some kid's book at home, but of course there were those one or two hours a day that you catch me watching TV or playing a game on the computer. And those comments by the grownups, seemed, nothing to do with me. And now, I find myself doing homework until 10 or 11pm and always blaming my teachers for giving me so much. When my parents ask me why am I up so late, I always answer the most obvious response "I'm doing homework." When I think back on those days, I feel like I've been working all day and wonder why do those evil teachers like to torture us so much? But after thinking in more detail about what I have done all day, it is noticeable how much, from all the time in the day, I have actually spent watching TV or sitting on the computer while "doing my homework" and realizing how much I stretched out one, out of many math problems, or one easy history question, to last me for about a whole hour.
My media usage is not as high, compared to some of my friends who can sit for hours and hours staring at the computer or TV screen, without noticing, and some who text non-stop, but I still somehow manage to not have enough time to finish my homework, at home, and always having to finish it quickly before school, at lunch, or during other classes. Personally I think that bringing more technology into classrooms will affect students greatly, and in a positive manner. I think that students would do better in school because they will be in a more exciting environment, and they will also be learning more about the technology that they keep so close to themselves, and how to use it to learn and not fall asleep from boredom at the same time.
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