A lot of brand new technology that is widely available and accessible. New media is being able to understand the media that is rapidly changing around us. Kids have to be pretty familiar with all the new media to do almost every job. I think that the media is important to learn and should be taught in schools. With that said I also think that we need to stick to the basics and teach classic school subjects. You need to learn how to read the classic books as much as you need to know the new media. If I were a teacher I would try to balance the new media and the traditional subjects. I would set up activities that incorporated both things, for example a blogging assignment about a book that you read. The balance of those things are a critical point to being a teacher.
I am not really distracted by devices at school. I usually leave my phone on my locker and that is all I bring. When I am doing my homework at home that is when I get really distracted. I will be trying to write a paper on the computer and have a face-book tab open and I will spend more time on Face-book then on my paper. I will be trying to decide wether to do my homework or watch t.v and will pick t.v. Then I wont start my homework till really late at night. It impacts my learning because I could get better grades if I spent more time on my homework. Media does not really affect my non-school activities because I choose to do those. I am more interested so I am not getting distracted because I have the choose if I want to do those things.
I will try to do some of the things suggested in the article. It is easier said then done. Everyday even if i don't need to, I go on face-book to check what's going on. If I don't for a day I feel like I am missing something. I do agree with these tips and I don't want to not be able to control my media use so I will try these tips.
Very Good
ReplyDeleteYou made a very good point regarding the necessity to teach "classical school subjects" but also integrate technology. Do you think it will be hard to find the balance.
Regarding Facebook and your homework, have you thought about just limiting your FB time and using it as a reward once you finished a significant part of the homework?
Ms. V