New media literacy is education for 21st century. I think that it is important to teach new media literacy in schools but at the same time let the the kids explore for them selves. Also it's important because if schools don't teach and use media in school, students will find it "boring" and because of the media that is greatly increasing every day, it will be harder for kids to stay more on task in school and many more kids will drop out more than before.
If I was a teacher, I would think that it is important to teach kids about media use. Some activities would include typing games on the computer, letter and word games. But at the same time I wouldn't over do it with the technology and have the kids play some "off-of-media" time.
In class I found out that I was greatly distracted by my devices. Also I noticed that when ever there is a chance you have a feeling that you must check Facebook or your texts to see if something new came up. After I stopped for one day of media use I noticed that my homework seemed much, much less than all the other days when I have used a lot of media.
My media doesn't affect my non-school activities as much. During non-school activities I am usually not as bored and usually during sports I am not even thinking about my cell phone or Facebook wall.
I think I will use some of the suggestions that were said in the Unplug feature of the article because I am well aware that I need to have some "live-in-the-moment" time without any technology or media. Now I understand how important it is to let your brain rest and try to enjoy my time with out it.
What is media literacy? Find out here
Good. You have some grammatical issues, but overall your blog was thoughtful. It's good to know your limitations and patterns you fall into regarding your media use.