2) I think it is important to teach new media in school because in the new world that they will have to live in, they will need to be capable of using these media sources.
3) I feel that teachers should teach young kids, how to use media effectively and efficiently. Also, to not be addicted to media.
4) I feel that if I'm in a class that is not interesting or we are not doing much then i may find myself texting or playing on my itouch. But, if there is something that I know is important then I am detached from my media, and focused on my work.
5) Media doesn't affect my non-school activities such as sports because you can't use it. But, I guess when I lift I listen to music and that helps.
6) I don't think that I will because I don't feel that I am really addicted to media but I use it to help me like communicating with people in a positive manner. Such as going on Xbox live and studying with friends, or texting someone to meet up to help each other with our school work.
Your definition of New Media Literacy is wrong. Please fix that. Also, include a link to the definition. Otherwise, your information was insightful, but I would preferred if you included references to the questions so people reading your blog in isolation will know what you are taking about.