Thursday, December 9, 2010

Technology Time-Out

The new media literacy are more advanced cellphones that can almost do just about everything a computer can. Also there are popular websites that distract you from your everyday activities. I think it should be a good idea to teach new media in schools because it can benefit a better learning and better education in some ways. I also think its a good idea because new media will always be there all around us no matter what, so it would be a good thing to learn about it school also. I think if new media is taught in school is should be balanced, having regular classes and also having classes about learning about new media. If I were a teacher what I think would be important to teach kids about media use, is that not to exceed the limit of using it because media use can be addicting. I would also teach the dangers of it, for instance how to use the internet and avoid using the it for the wrong reasons. When I am in class I find that my devices are distracting. because I could be in the middle of doing work and then I end up getting like 5 text. It is very distracting because I end up getting an urge to text those people back and usually I don't finish my work by then. I often do poorly in class because I am distracted by my mobile device. My media use affects my non-school activities because whether or not I am in school I am still being distracted by my phone and I still have an urge to text people back. I don't think I will be able to use some of the suggestions used in the Unplug article simply because it does not work for me. I have to have my phone everywhere with me at all times possible.

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1 comment:

  1. Your definition of media literacy is wrong, however, your reflection was very thoughtful and insightful regarding your media usage.
    i would be open to experimenting with suggestions from the Unplugged article even if you think "it doesn't work for me."
